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Unroasted beans

Earthy, Raw & Pure

Earthy, raw, and inherently pure - our unroasted coffee beans embody these natural qualities, presenting a pristine and unaltered flavor profile. These beans, in their green state, hold the untapped potential of the coffee's origin, carrying subtle floral and fruity notes that hint at their future richness when roasted. The texture and aroma are fresh and grassy, reflecting the beans' natural state, untouched by the transformative process of roasting. Ideal for coffee enthusiasts who appreciate the art of home roasting, these unroasted beans offer a unique opportunity to experience coffee in its most authentic form. They represent the very essence of coffee, providing a canvas for personal exploration into the diverse world of coffee flavors.



$ 40.00 


Unroasted beans




5,900 feet

Pairs well with

Roasting & Supplements

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